Welcome to Solid Ground!
Solid Ground is a tool to equip families to flourish in the kind of life that only Christ can give. The following modules will equip you to lead groups or your own family in critical aspects of family life: Family Culture, Grace-filled Parenting, Spiritual Conversations, Modeling Faith in Light of Marriage, and Partnering with the Church.
Module 1: Claim
Think you are in control of your life? Think your children belong to you? Module 1 of Solid Ground helps us understand God's claim on our lives. Module 1 invites rich conversations about family culture. It invites families to examine their own family culture, the influences on it, and God's intention for family culture.
Claim Study Guide (Participant and Facilitator Material)
Claim 2 Video: Family of Origin Influence
Module 2: Raise
We all want to get parenting right. Praise God that He provides the perfect model and methods for parenting through His grace. Through the nature of how God parents us, we learn to parent. The beauty of God's design is that our parenting approach is not based on curbing outward behavior; rather, it is based on shepherding the heart.
Raise Study Guide (Participant and Facilitator Material)
Raise 1 Video: Parenting Styles
Raise 2 Video: Parenting in the Father's Style
Module 3: Build
The building blocks of leading families in Christ are millions of conversations sprinkled with salt and light. We also seek to make Christ central in all our family experiences, even the everyday stuff!
Build Study Guide (Participant and Facilitator Material)
Build 1 Video: Good Communication (4 Elements)
Build 2 Video: Godly Communication (Seinfeld Phenomenon)
Build 3 Video: Good Experiences (Time with You)
Build 4 Video: Godly Family Experiences (Home Devotions and 40 Events)
Module 4: Cast
The Gospel is taught and also caught, or modeled in everyday life. We'll take the opportunity to talk about what it means to be a Christian man and a Christian woman, and what it takes to make marriage work. Whether we are single or married right now, we as parents can teach and model God's design for a blessed family life now and for our children's future families.
Cast Study Guide (Participant and Facilitator Material)
Cast 1 Video: Man, Woman, Marriage / Singleness (Ideal Man)
Cast 2 Video: Man, Woman, Marriage / Singleness (Fallen Man)
Cast 3 Video: Man, Woman, Marriage / Singleness (Ideal Woman)
Cast 4 Video: Man, Woman, Marriage / Singleness (Fallen Woman)
Cast 5 Video: Man, Woman, Marriage / Singleness (Marriage and Singleness)
Cast 6 Video: Man, Woman, Marriage / Singleness (Conflict Resolution)
Module 5: Found
The community of believers is an essential part of raising children and supporting family life. This module discusses what the church can and cannot do in partnership with us as parents.
Found Study Guide (Participant and Facilitator Material)
Found 1 Video: Church Partnership (The Ideal)
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Don't forget to connect with your facilitator, if you have one, to put together and carry out a family plan for ongoing spiritual enrichment through the accompanying...
Lead Me Father Guide (Materials)
Lead Me Father Video 1a (Summary)
Lead Me Father Video 1b (For Fathers as Spiritual Heads)
Lead Me Father Video 1c (For Mothers or Guardians as Spiritual Heads)
Lead Me Father Video 2 (Plan and Resources)